About Us

In the world of business, having a well-structured strategy to attract and nurture new prospects while retaining existing customers is crucial.
The primary challenge for a business is devising a strategy that not only reaches new prospects but also distinguishes their brand in a competitive landscape while building trust in the process.
Now, picture having a support team that offers hands-free automated systems that attract qualified prospects on a daily basis! While at the same time giving your business brand exposure and immense leverage over your competitors.
This is where our team shines!


At Conversion Simplified, we are here to empower your business in the digital age. We accomplish this by offering innovative, data-driven solutions that fuel online growth and engagement.

Our commitment is to become a trusted partner for our clients, delivering high-quality work that aligns with their unique needs and surpasses their expectations.

We firmly believe in the transformative power of technology to connect people and businesses, and we are wholeheartedly dedicated to leveraging our skills and expertise to ensure our clients thrive in the digital realm.

We assist businesses in conserving their most valuable resources – time, energy, and money – by generating qualified prospects and clients through automated systems. And our focus extends beyond lead generation; we actively support internal marketing processes to nurture your existing customer base.


Whether you are a member of a Marketing Team looking to delegate tasks or a business in need of comprehensive marketing support, we are here to assist you. Our process begins with an in-depth discussion of your concerns and the areas where you aim to foster growth. Armed with this insight, we craft a tailored strategy to address your specific needs.


Our mission is to empower businesses to thrive in the digital age. We aspire to be a dependable partner for our clients, consistently delivering top-notch work that not only meets their needs but exceeds their expectations.

We wholeheartedly believe in the potential of technology to unite individuals and businesses and remain steadfast in our commitment to utilizing our skills and expertise to ensure our clients succeed in the digital realm.

Blake Coker – President / CEO

Welcome to Conversion Simplified!

We’re absolutely delighted that you’ve taken the time to visit our website. Here at CS, we’re passionate about supporting businesses across the country in discovering their marketing greatness while having a blast along the way.

Since I graduated from college, my career has revolved around sales and marketing, and I consider myself truly fortunate to have an incredible team dedicated to meeting businesses’ diverse needs. Drawing from our collective experiences, both the successes and the challenges, we’ve honed our focus on one paramount goal: helping businesses achieve their objectives.

Recognizing that every business is unique, we take the time to listen to your specific needs and goals. By doing so, we craft strategies tailored to serve your business best. Our enthusiasm for what we do is palpable, and we’re excited to demonstrate that passion.

Once again, a warm welcome to CS, and we’re eagerly looking forward to connecting with you soon.

Ready to talk with us about your business?